Radicals, Resistance, and Revenge A Book Review

I recently reviewed the wonderful Something Beautiful is Going to Happen by Melissa Young and have to do it again. Radicals, Resistance, and Revenge by Judge Jeanine Pirro deserves a review of its own below for its bold take on today’s matters.

My Open

  1. Radicals: Someone willing to go to extreme, even violent, lengths to get what they want despite the better judgement of themselves or others.
  2. Resistance: When the minority revolts against the majority.
  3. Revenge: Taking justice and/or “justice” into one’s own hands. Rarely if ever a good idea.

Judge Jeanine Pirro expertly lays out the three threats to the country to rear their heads. In no particular order they include radical Democrats, the Antifas and BLMs that do their dirty work, and the media that covers it all for them. But don’t take my written word for it. JJP lays out each of her arguments plainly, elegantly, and most importantly, inarguably. Could she be accused of being a right-wing nut job? About as much as she could be accused of being the current MMA champ. For reference, I’m 5’ 6” and not wearing heels of any sort, although the judge was.

I for one am tired of someone who makes excellent and proven points being dismissed with this type of talk. If you truly believe her arguments to be non-factual, go that route. In all other cases, you should at the very least agree with the facts, if not their interpretation.

And that’s my open. Tell me what you think on Facebook, Twitter, or below.

None of the “Rs” Stands for Repetition

I’ve found many political books tend to make the same point over and over. They may come from different angles but read the same nonetheless. JJP takes her time to dissect the forces who are “plotting to remake America” into a country that is great for them. Not so much for the rest of us who will toil to fuel their private jets while being lectured on climate change, belittled for not being as smart as them, and outright told to shut up should we object. Just pick a chapter and go see how.

The Best Chapters

In continuing with the above, my favorite chapters were split between two: “The Radical’s Attack on Life Itself” and “The Democrats’ Siren Song of Socialism.” The former deals with the radical new policies regarding abortion up until the moment of birth, as well as for an undetermined time after. The latter compares socialism to the siren song from Greek mythology and how comparable they are. Each of these chapters alone is worth the read.

She’s Got Other Good ‘Uns

This is not my first book by JJP. I was enthralled by He Killed Them All
It is the true story of her time as prosecutor to notorious accused murderer Bob Durst, who is accused of killing three people, his wife among them. While I believe Durst is not as innocent as he proclaims, she almost had me feeling sorry for him. Her dogged persistence in bringing him to justice is no doubt one of the reasons why he currently sits behind bars today awaiting trial. It’s a great read for those of you who love true crime… or reading in general.

Watch Her in Action

Still not convinced? JJP’s own opening statement’s can be the highlight of my Saturday nights, although I will deny this in person. Check out one of her most popular and relevant ones below:

Get Radicals, Resistance, and Revenge on Amazon.

Ordinance 93 ThumbnailLilia Fabry is the author of Ordinance 93, a novel set in a world where having a baby without permission is against the law and the first four people to break it. She also writes about everything from reaction injection molding to low fat recipes while indulging her need for creative outlets including novels and screenplays. Find out more on Twitter.