5 Things I Learned from Diamond and Silk’s Uprising

I had the privilege to read and review Radicals, Resistance, and Revenge by Judge Jeanine Pirro and have to do it again. Uprising: Who the Hell Said You Can’t Ditch and Switch? by Silk and Diamond (why should it always be the other way around?) is another must read.

1. What It’s About

The theme of the book is in it’s title:

  1. Uprising: Go in depth behind the uprising started by the two sisters, its obstacles, allies, and much more.
  2. Ditch and Switch: The name of the movement that had the establishment’s collective panties in a bunch.
  3. Awakening: How Diamond and Silk grew into the formidable duo they are now and will be for some time to come.

Also, I can’t help but be tickled when there is a profanity in the title.

2. Go to The Beginning

It’s no secret that fascinating people have a fascinating up bringing. The aptly named Hardaway sisters are no exception. They are not afraid to go deep into their childhood, hard teen years, children out of wedlock, hard times and good times, debilitating illness for one of them (it’s impossible to guess which one), and so much more. They also delve deep into their love of food and I volunteer to pre-order their cookbook now!

3. The Unique Voice Comes Through

Perhaps you are already a fan of S & D and wonder how the two of them wrote one book? The short answer is: insanely cleverly. While Diamond gets to speak / write regular text, Silk often breaks through with wit and wisdom via italics. It is the only memoir to my knowledge to employ this fascinating technique which is enjoyable right off the bat. Silk even sneaks in some mm-hmms.

4. Not a Trump Fan? Not a Problem?

While it’s true “The Don” makes a few appearances as himself, the book is not about him. You do get an accurate and heartwarming glance at the man. You also feel the mutual love between the three of them, and it can’t help but warm your heart. No, the “uprising” is more a break between the sisters and the Democratic party that failed them time after time. It was 2016 that was the switching point for them, followed by the courage it took to pursue their dream. It’s also worth mentioning that you NEVER ignore the voice inside.

5. You Get a New and Wonderful Vocabulary

I’ve already mentioned the wonderful voice(s) in which the book is written, but you also get so much more. You learn what it is to “call someone out by their name,” which I always thought was a good thing since no one says my name right. I also promise to never turn anything off or on again. From now on, I shall be cutting items on and off ala Silk and Diamond. Thanks, ladies!

More on Silk and Diamond

Get a signed book for yourself at currently only $30 on their official store. Also, I prefer to buy here because Besos has enough of my money.

Check out one their most popular videos at a Trump rally to see what the hype is all about.

Ordinance 93 ThumbnailLilia Fabry is the author of Ordinance 93, a novel set in a world where having a baby without permission is against the law and the first four people to break it. She also writes about everything from reaction injection molding to low fat recipes while indulging her need for creative outlets including novels and screenplays. Find out more on Twitter.