Welcome to another blog post on freebies and free stuff for writers. We’ve previously discussed how to get lots of free stuff just for writers, and now it’s time for something you don’t know you need till you need it. Today’s entry is about how to get an app that will turn your phone or device running Android into a document creating and editing machine that will leave your laptop and/or desktop feeling just a tad lonelier, aka OfficeSuite Professional 7 by Mobile Systems Inc.

Pro’s of the Freebie

With OfficeSuite Pro you can access tools for word processing, developing spreadsheets, delivering presentations, and more. This allows you to create, view, and edit Microsoft Word and Excel files. In normal speak, this means you can open, edit, and create your next manuscript right on your phone. It works with hard to open files like the DOCX, a bane for everyone with earlier versions of MS Word. Prefer Google Docs? This app will also let you work with them. For non-writing tasks, get a spreadsheet or PowerPoint presentation going as well. And if you prefer PDFs, and who doesn’t in certain cases, you can also get busy with them on this app.

Con’s of the Freebie

As with most freebies for writers, there are some catches. The app is not made by Microsoft, so if you’re a stickler for the brand, the app might not be right for you. It also won’t work without a Wi-Fi connection, which can be disappointing, since document editing and the like shouldn’t need to constantly access the mobile web. There have also been user reviews complaining about limited fonts and the need to purchase an extra font package. However, this app has Arial, Calibri, Cambria, Courier New, Symbol, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Veranda,
and Wingdings fonts installed, which are fairly common ones.

How to Get the Freebie

Simply go to the Amazon Appstore on your phone or through this link. You will need to install the Amazon App on your phone or device to get the freebie.

Verdict on the Freebie for Writers

Get it and get it now! You’ll never know when you’ll need it even if you don’t use your phone or tablet for such tasks. This app rarely goes free, especially the Pro version.

This freebie for writers ends March 24, 2014

Ordinance 93 ThumbnailL. Fabry is the author of Ordinance 93, a novel set in a world where having a baby without permission is against the law and the first four people to break it. She also writes about everything from reaction injection molding to low fat recipes while indulging her need for creative outlets including novels and screenplays. Find out more on Twitter.

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